Sunday, December 15, 2013

Book 1 Project: Paper Towns

Do you want to relieve the night full of adventures that Quentin Jacob experienced?  Have adrenaline rush through your whole body? Well the opportunity is finally here… We offer to gather a convention, where people will break up into random pairs and get the role of either  Margo or Quentin. If the person gets Margo, they are to provide all supplies such as: six pack Mountain Dew, can of blue Spray paint, one dozen tulips and three whole cat fish, wrapped separately.  This adventure also includes: visiting  SeaWorld. 
In Paper Towns by John Green, Quentin Jacobs’s life changes tremendously overnight.  He is summoned to solve eleven problems of Margo Roth Spiegelman in the middle of the night.  The adventure starts with this quote “So like I said, I need a car. Also, I need  you to drive it, because I have to do eleven things tonight, and at least five of them involve a getaway man (Green 26)." They require breaking and entering, as well as spending the entire night with the amazing Margo. Quentin struggled with the answer at first, but in the end  he gave in and opened up a door to the new world he has not known, the world without boundaries. He borrowed his mom’s car without permission and they took off. The first stop was at Walmart, where Quentin would buy the supplies.  The night included Quentin almost getting shot, sneaking into the basement, and trashing a car with cat fish. Also to top the night off Margo offered to break into the SeaWorld. “Q, in the scheme of things, what kind of trouble can SeaWorld get you into? I mean, Jesus, after everything I’ve done for you tonight, you can’t do one thing for me (Green 69)." As a result they almost get caught and Margo gets bitten by a snake.  As the night progresses they really attempt to bond.  Quentin has already envisioned how they are going to be friends at school and that maybe Margo will sit with him and his friends at lunch. Everything went downhill, when after the adventure Margo vanished, leaving the clues for Quentin to find her. No one knows if she is dead or alive.  Margo had run away before, as her parents state, but her departure has been too long now. Quentin followed all leads that he had, but it was no luck, until he found an abandoned souvenir store.  He found a blanket and approval that she was there, even though Margo was already gone.  So Quentin spent his senior prom in that lifeless building, trying to comprehend what was Margo doing here and who was she really. He started to figure out that he really does not know her at all.  The hope of her coming back has left Margo’s friends, including Quentin hopeless. Most believe that she is long gone from this world. For example: " She's dead, isn't she." said her best friend Lacey.  Margo meant a lot to the school , her friends and especially Quentin. 
This idea is perfect for readers who like meeting new people and relieving the moments from the book. This adventure was an important part in the book, which ignited the whole search for who Margo really is and why she ran away. It can give the readers a happy chance to reconnect with life. The convention, where people will gather are going to have the opportunity to share their thoughts and experience. Fans of this book will surely perceive this adventure to be a breathtaking one. People will be for sure blown away ! The book can not only bring people to a new perspective of life, but to a happier scenario of themselves.  For some it will open up a new world as well. After I read this book, it made me feel like there was more to people than meets the eye. This adventure is able to  do that as well. The fact is that being able to relieve the night full of adventures makes you literally feel what  a book is. A book is exactly that, the way that one can read it and can experience it. This adventure will allow people to go inside the book. Experience the world from Quentin's view, the way that it was meant to be. Live the adventure all over again, and capture the moments yourself with the fun, making it how you want it to be. Experience the rush in Quentin's way, I did!

This would be the place where the fans of the book would gather and share their emotional experience of the book.  

The major part of the adventure would be going to the SeaWorld in Orlando , Florida.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What is a book?

 A book is an escape from reality, it takes you to new fascinating places... it can take you to different worlds, it can make you feel different emotions, it can make you a different person. With today's technology, reading has basically vanished into oblivion. We read on electronics, Ipads, kindles, phones, it's sad; we never appreciate the true value of reading anymore. Having a book in your hands is so personal; it feels like you want to cherish the author's words into your soul. It feels like you have a personal connection with the author, like you are carrying a legacy. Reading can fix you, if you're sad, if you're lonely, the pages can be your new world, and you can feel it in your heart, the author's words. Reading is the most magnificent thing that humans can ever experience. I agree with Nancy Jo Sales, that books really do remind us that we exist and show us how we have lived. It’s always exciting to go to a book store and browse around the shelves, with a huge variety of books and their brilliant covers. Feeling as if you are in the world of the authors, you can do anything, be anyone. If you take the easy way out, the electronic way, you lose the feeling, you fade away, the happiness isn't there. The pages are usually off, and like Tom Piazza said “You get no sense of the scale of things , of the nature of the artist’s ambition…”. Overall the most important thing in a book what it teaches you. Whether you received a new insight on a particular topic, or experienced a lot of emotions, which helped you understand yourself better.  No matter in what form the book is, you should be able to travel to new places, learn new things and realize that life isn't only what you see around you but so much more because books make life worth living on so many levels. As William Nicolson said “We read to know we are not alone, and the fact is that we never are, if we have an angelic stack of pages in our presence.”

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Not only does reading make you smarter, but it also forces you to think deeper and broader. I like reading, because it's an engaging experience. As you read, you get a mini movie inside your head, where you create faces for the characters and the setting and it's all from your own imagination. Books take you into a different world and make you forget about your worries. Reading also enlightens you on the different type of personalities, so in reality you will be able to recognize some of the traits in people and know how to approach them. Books change your way of thinking and open up a new world for the reader. You can always expand your vocabulary and the ways to express your ideas. Reading takes a lot of focus and patience. Each book has a different writing style and format, making it original, while many movies are very predictable, because of the basic plot line. So each book has a great value, no matter how interesting or boring it is, you can always learn new things from it.