Thursday, February 20, 2014

Post 9

"Whats your name?" "Hazel" " I mean your full name." "Hazel Grace Lancaster." This right here is said with a smile and it immediately sends the reader on a journey with Hazel and Gus. The reader almost suddenly develops sympathy,empathy, and compassion towards Hazel.What we see with Hazel is not much more than what she tells us, but there is so much more to her than what she says. For the reader to truly become Hazel's friend, they have to be able to read between the lines. Being diagnosed with cancer at the age of thirteen is not something a lot of people can relate to, but through this book you definitely experience every second of it. Hazel takes you on an adventure within a limited number of days, Hazel takes you on her infinity. You can tell she knows her life won't last forever but the fact that she doesn't take anything anything for granted only enhances the readers love for her. Inhaling and exhaling we take for granted, because it’s a natural thing, but Hazel appreciates every breath. While the less fortunate, don’t even remember what It felt like to have good lungs or take a breath on their own without the help of any machines. What makes Hazel more unique is her perception of life. There is more to her than meets the eye, which is why Hazel doesn't remotely suit her, but Hazel Grace, as Gus says, indeed does.

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